An existential meditation on the the discomforts caused by the ambiguity of existence. Never comfortable for too long with any one state of being, this dreamlike journey shows the radical freedom humans have to define ourselves, and the world around us.

Audio & Video by Myles Emmons

Produced by Could Be Architecture

Based on creatures by Could Be Architecture

Special thanks to Joseph Altshuler, Zack Morrison, Joanie Faletto

Why does it feel like something is missing? Where does this notion come from?

There is an inextricable discomfort or discontent that comes from the ambiguity of our existence.

But don’t fret - it’s ok! Being uncomfortable is inherent and compatible to being.

In fact, by accepting discomfort you are affirming your full humanity.

This animation plays with the idea of fluid morphing between subject and object - never comfortable for too long with any one state of being.

The unbounded nature of animation makes it an ideal vehicle to show the radical freedom humans have to define themselves - and the world around them.